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The Hunting Act has failed: almost 20 years on, how a piece of animal welfare legislation has damaged both animal welfare & rural communities.
Over the past two years, the independent and non hunting environmental journalist Charlie Pye-Smith and former LACS Director Jim Barrington, have investigated the effect of the Hunting Act 2004. They have interviewed widely and across the country – farmers, gamekeepers, scientists, huntsmen, shooters, conservationists. The people who work at the sharp end of wildlife and countryside management and can see the reality of what has happened in their daily lives.
Their research reveals that instead of making life better for the fox, brown hare and red deer, they have made life worse. More deaths and by crueller means. Our Committee Member, Charles Moore, sums it up:
“Rural Wrongs is the first serious work of its kind… a vivid and heartfelt tale about what happens to animal and human landscapes when people meddle with them for the wrong reasons.”
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A beautifully presented little volume to accompany “Rural Rites” with an original oil painting by Daniel Crane on the cover. Throughout, the book has photographic illustrations by celebrated wildlife photographers like Chris Strickland and Ro Older. Lord Moore of Etchingham has written the Foreword.