Northern Trip 2023 Poem
On the second weekend of March this year, we were kindly hosted at the Manor House, Cranborne courtesy of Lord and Lady Cranborne, and Lady Georgiana Campbell from the Committee. It was a perfect setting. The Portman hounds met by kind permission of Lord and lady Shaftesbury who hosted a fine meet. Tom Lyle MFH…
AGM 2023 speech
This year’s AGM took place on Friday 16th of June at the Duchy of Cornwall. We had a number of speeches at this year’s event, including the one below from Charlie Pye-Smith. His next book Rural Wrongs, the sequel to Rural Rites, is available for pre-order HERE. The AGM ended with a trip to the…
Annual Dinner 2022 Speech
On Monday 7th of November, we once again enjoyed an excellent beef supper at the Carlton Club on St. James’ street. We were fortunate enough to be joined by Revd. Dr Jamie Hawkey, chaplain to HM The King who gave an uplifting speech, which can be read below. Ladies and gentlemen, I begin, I must…